The Solution to PMO & Sex Addiction

A Workshop Presented by The Freedom Model


How to Solve PMO Addiction without Feeling Deprived or Being in Endless Recovery!

“I’m at the point where I want to stop PMO’ing, but I keep falling and going back into it! I really don’t know why I keep doing this. I also don’t want to feel deprived and miserable either. How do I change my preference for porn and my fetishes? I need help!”

“Sound familiar? Over the last few years, we’ve had a massive increase in coaching people with porn and sex addictions. But here is where the Freedom Model is different from all the other deprivation-based models of “PMO recovery”.

With the Freedom Model you will receive zero shaming, no control-based moralism, and we will prove to you that there’s nothing wrong with your brain, dopamine, or serotonin. The idea that you are broken, addicted, brain-hacked, and forever destined to delve into deeper and darker porn habits are all erroneous ideas that come from an already flawed addiction model that the porn-addiction-help industry has now adopted and modified. Unfortunately these theories are extensions of an aging, ineffective, and harmful grouping of myths and disproven ideas that won’t solve your issues, but instead will keep you in the endless recovery trap.

The Freedom Model Research Team has spent more than 34 years debunking the addiction disorder model, the brain-disease addiction model, the 12 step model, conventional treatment methods, and created its opposite – FREEDOM. No recovery, no meetings, no endless therapies, no deprivation, no fear mongering – just you getting factual information so you can challenge the benefits you see in PMO’ing coupled with experienced coaching and workshops and our soon to be released book, The Freedom Model for Porn and Sex Addiction.

Spend some time with us at The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction Workshop, and end your damaging habits for good. Know that we’ve coached more than 27,000 people over 3 decades to solve their issues and move on. And here’s the best part – you can solve your personal issues once and for all without ongoing struggle or endless recovery. See you at the Workshop!”

-Mark Scheeren and Michelle Dunbar

Freedom Model Founders, Authors, and World-Renowned Addiction Experts

What is The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction?

The short answer? The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction is a 3 hour online workshop provided by addiction experts, and Freedom Model Co-Authors, Mark Scheeren and Michelle Dunbar. The first 4 workshops are live events (June and July 2024) and then one of these live events will become a pre-recorded workshop. You can experience this workshop either as an affordable and effective stand alone course that you can complete at home on your own, or as educational support included with any of our Freedom Model Coaching Packages. It is also included as an integral part of your Freedom Model Coaching experience so as to provide a “jumpstart” as you begin your journey to Freedom from PMO and Sex Addiction. 

Let’s tell you more about this amazing solution. Our 34 years of research and experience coaching thousands has created the proven way to move past various addictions without rehabs, needless struggle, feeling deprived, endless recovery, working steps, or attending daily meetings or therapies. As expert coaches and developers of The Freedom Model, Michelle and I look forward to providing you the answers to your struggle in this 3-hour video workshop. 

In The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction online workshop you will hear exactly why you’ve continued to struggle. You will see how you create that struggle, and even more importantly, how you can end it permanently. And this method will be logical, empowering, and easy to understand! We will walk you through the process of deconstructing the ideas and beliefs behind your relationship with the object of your fetish whether that is porn or other sexual fetishes or habits that have you feeling trapped and hopeless. 

We can also make this video workshop a supportive resource as part of any of our coaching programs, both in-house coaching options or at-home coaching options. Click the link below and enroll in The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction workshop today so you can end your struggle for good and move on with your life in complete freedom!

When you purchase The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction you will receive:

  • Everything you need to solve and move past any problematic sexual habit.
  • Digital copies of:
    • The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction Presentation (and the new, The Freedom Model for PMO and Sex Addiction book and workbook when released in October 2024)
    • The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction Workbook
    • The Freedom Model for Addictions book

The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction will teach you how to:

Understand how and why you have built such a strong preference for your habit. You will no longer feel mystified about “why you do what you do”.

Completely shed any addict self-images or other damaging labels that keep you trapped in that needless identity.

Systematically break down the value you’ve built over time in your habit, so you can challenge and devalue it, and then easily stop and move forward as a completely free person. (This is amazing and massively powerful!)

This program will allow you to solve your PMO issues without unnecessary pain, struggle, or the need to be involved in endless recovery or therapeutic protocols. There’s no downside!

You will be able to let go of your guilt and shame and move on to a much more productive and fulfilling life.

You will take our 34 years of experience coaching people just like you, and use that experience to move your life forward. We are handing you our knowledge and experience in an understandable and logical way.

The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction will make sense where all other programs are contradictory, illogical, confusing, fear-based, and coercive.

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